NZ dairy futures taking shape

The New Zealand Herald has a story about how the first global dairy futures market being established by the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX) will cement the country’s position as a leader in the industry.

However, there is concern that some dairy farmers won’t be financially literate enough to use or understand how the markets work.

There are comment from NZX head of traded products, Fiona Mackenzie, Fonterra’s head of global trade, Kelvin Wickham, and Fonterra Shareholder Council chairman, Blue Read, and veteran farming leader Charlie Pedersen:

The development of the world’s first global dairy futures market could cement New Zealand’s position as an industry leader, NZX says, but there are doubts that farmers will have the financial sophistication to use it.

Sharemarket operator NZX is designing the futures platform to help world dairying players manage their risk in increasingly volatile markets. READ MORE.